When talking with an individual, we get just 30% of all the details via their words-- all the rest of the details can be disclosed in their movements, tone of voice, as well as various other non-verbal methods of interaction. So if you need to know what your friends are in fact feeling at any given moment, it's better to watch their faces-- try to be extra attentive and you'll discover a lot of new things about them.
This is a short guide on how to “read” people’s faces.
1-Eyebrows that are lowered and drawn together usually symbolize anger. As a rule, you’ll also see vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows.
3-Inner corners of eyebrows that are drawn together and upward indicate sadness.
4-Looking up and to the left means that a person is remembering or recalling something.
5-Looking up and to the right may indicate that a person is trying to use their imagination or that they’re lying.
6-Looking down may indicate that a person is embarrassed, nervous, or has poor self-esteem. Sometimes it’s a sign of feeling guilty.
7-Dilated pupils usually indicate fear or that a person is interested or in love with you.
8-On the contrary, if a person’s pupils get very small, almost like beads, it may mean they’re angry.
9-If you see crow’s feet at the outside corners of somebody’s eyes, it means that they’re truly laughing as these lines symbolize joy.
10-Pursed lips may signal some negative emotions like anger, contempt, frustration, or disapproval.
11-If one side of the mouth is raised, it may reveal contempt or hate.
12-If someone is biting their lips, they’re trying to soothe themselves because they’re feeling anxious.
13-Corners of the lips that are drawn downward signify sadness.
14-Touching the neck may mean that a person is trying to protect themselves when feeling discomfort.
15-Touching the nose is a signal that a person is lying.
Do you have your own tips on how to “read” people’s faces? Share them with us in the comments!